Our school is a cooperative of the parents who belong to it, and we are dedicated to quality education for preschoolers and parents.
The Director, as well as all our teachers, are privately employed by the parents of Sunset Cooperative Nursery School and are compensated exclusively from the tuition paid by membership, tuition, and fundraising.
Fundraising monies, raised through the efforts of all co-op parents, provide the operating funds for Sunset Nursery School. These funds are used to pay for for federal and state taxes, for building maintenance and repair, for staff education, and for all other operating expenses including, but not limited to, utilities, copying, postage, cleaning supplies, art supplies, toys, services, and books.
Our school is incorporated under the laws of the State of California, and is licensed by the State Department of Social Welfare. Its bylaws, which cover the basic operation of the school, are filed with the State Attorney General’s office. Sunset Nursery School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin, is an equal opportunity employer, and is nonsectarian and nonprofit. The co-op is a community, with positive goals for the adults as well as the children. We hope you will share your energy and time in its affairs so that it may be run successfully.
Please note: Our mission statement and philosophy sections are currently under construction to better reflect our practices and passions.
The Director, as well as all our teachers, are privately employed by the parents of Sunset Cooperative Nursery School and are compensated exclusively from the tuition paid by membership, tuition, and fundraising.
Fundraising monies, raised through the efforts of all co-op parents, provide the operating funds for Sunset Nursery School. These funds are used to pay for for federal and state taxes, for building maintenance and repair, for staff education, and for all other operating expenses including, but not limited to, utilities, copying, postage, cleaning supplies, art supplies, toys, services, and books.
Our school is incorporated under the laws of the State of California, and is licensed by the State Department of Social Welfare. Its bylaws, which cover the basic operation of the school, are filed with the State Attorney General’s office. Sunset Nursery School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin, is an equal opportunity employer, and is nonsectarian and nonprofit. The co-op is a community, with positive goals for the adults as well as the children. We hope you will share your energy and time in its affairs so that it may be run successfully.
Please note: Our mission statement and philosophy sections are currently under construction to better reflect our practices and passions.
Sunset Nursery School started as a WPA project in 1940 and was first known as the Parkside Play Center. It was located in a Parkside district church, and the use of a nearby vacant lot for a play yard was donated by the owner. A Mothers’ Club was organized and held its first meeting on October 15, 1940.
Sunset Nursery School started as a WPA project in 1940 and was first known as the Parkside Play Center. It was located in a Parkside district church, and the use of a nearby vacant lot for a play yard was donated by the owner. A Mothers’ Club was organized and held its first meeting on October 15, 1940.
In April 1945, the school was approved by the Coordinator of Adult Education of San Francisco Unified School District. Provision for the school district funds to supply a teacher was added in 1949. This resulted in the construction of the school’s 1st quarters at 4245 Lawton Street. Funds were raised by Participation and Sponsorship Certificates, rummage sales and other fundraising events.
A tower house was designed and built by Bill Barrington in 1965. Another parent, Joe Rusk, designed and landscaped what used to be an almost bare sand yard. After several years of organizing and fundraising, in the summer of 2002, the parents completely rebuilt the yard play structures.
Sunset was one of the first buildings in San Francisco to be painted with an abstract design. The original design was by Barry Deutsch. This design was modified and carried inside by Barbara and Roland Pitschell in 1967. Henry Sultan designed another mural on the west wall. An animal design on the north wall was by Jenny Sultan. Both walls were painted by Henry. The new building now features a whale mural by artist and surfer Chris Del Moro. |
Sunset Nursery School enjoyed a long association with the Adult Education program of San Francisco City College. The College underwrote the salary of the Director, whose responsibilities included educating parents in parenting practices. For three decades – from 1965 to 1994 – the person responsible for carrying out this mission was Joanna McClure. Parent education consisted of hands-on experience during the day with the children, and classroom-style instruction one evening a week at the school.
In 1994, Sunset Nursery School ended its association with San Francisco City College and became entirely independent. The parents at that time overwhelmingly approved the continuation of evening parent education classes, and hired Laura Ossa to direct both the morning and afternoon programs as well as to coordinate the parent education meetings.
In 2005, a team of structural engineers reported significant damage in the school building: natural aging had weakened the concrete walls that had weathered our Ocean Beach climate for more than 60 years. Two options were presented to the Community: Either our building must be extensively repaired or completely rebuilt. The school’s staff and parents considered this choice carefully. In the true cooperative spirit, our Community rose to the challenge. In 2010, after this amazing outpouring of help from the legendary Sunset community, past and present, the doors opened to our new school building.
In 2017, after 35 years of service to the school as a parent, teacher, and director, Laura Ossa retired from her position. The parents selected Jamae Tasker, Sunset teacher and former Sunset parent and Board President, to take over the task of directing both the School’s AM and PM programs and continuing the parent education programs that have come to define the Sunset community.
More than sixty years after its founding, Sunset Nursery School remains a cooperative enterprise with parental involvement at its foundation. Each family is required to work at the school, giving parents the pleasure of watching their children grow and learn in an environment that encourages creativity, cooperation, friendship, and just plain fun. Parades, parties, and other festivities are organized around holidays from Halloween to St. Patrick’s Day and everything in between, culminating in the grandest of all – Graduation Day.
Sunset Nursery School isn’t just childcare. It’s a 60-year tradition of caring for children and families.
Sunset Nursery School isn’t just childcare. It’s a 60-year tradition of caring for children and families.